Service Excellence: Six Levels of Customer Service

In the world of Internet Customer Service, it’s important to remember your competitor is only one mouse click away. ~  Doug Warner

In our last article, we discussed about customer interaction and how it is linked with customer loyalty. This article follows same theme "Customer Loyalty" and discusses about Six levels of customer service.

Ron Kaufman (, author of "UP Your Service!" has come up in his legendary book with the Six levels of Customer Service, The levels are as following:

Criminal Service

Undoubtedly, criminal service the poorest one, where the organization fails to meet the minimum expectation of the customers. Hence, customers become really frustrated with the service provider and surely will not come again to take service. Even they will call the concerned person to show his/her frustration and complain. Also they may spread negative 'word-of-mouth' in the market.

Basic Service

This is when the customers get the bar minimum service from the company. This level of service is disappointing and when frustration turns into anger; but when it is over- customers forget the frustration and may not complain. However, they will share the experience with his/her friends and will not come back again. Remember a cellular phone with basic features (calls & SMS only) with poly-phonic ringtone.

Expected Service

Expected service is nothing so special. It is average, the usual, the norm. The customer might come back to the service provider, but only if no better options exist. While flying with an airlines, it is expected to have the safety kits and a snacks box! Nothing special!!!!

Desired Service

Desired service is what the customers hope for and prefer. They’ll come back to the service provider again because they do things for them just the way they like it. Enjoying service after purchasing a TV is expected, but imagine - a post-sales service at your doorstep at your preferred time slot? Yes, it is desired!

Surprising Service

This is something special, like a surprise gift from dear one. It gives the customers more than what they expected. Customers become fan of the service provider and they come back again & again. This is the point, where customers tend to be loyal with the company. You take a debit/credit card and found that it provides 40% discount at your favorite restaurants and also maximum loyalty/bonus points!!! Isn't is surprising?

Unbelievable Service

Unbelievable service is astonishingly fantastic. This is the level of service the customers can’t forget, the legendary treatment they will tell all their friends about.

Now, Ron has depicted these levels as a staircase, where each service level is a step in staircase. World class companies tend to move to the next level always, but it is not so easy task, due to rapid changes in customer expectations and in the market. And, the competition is so intense that today's ceiling becomes the floor tomorrow. Hence, continuous thrive for improvement is MUST for Service Excellence.

Merely satisfying customers will not be enough to earn their loyalty. Instead, they must experience exceptional service worthy of their repeat business and referral. Understand the factors that drive this customer revolution. ~ Rick Tate

[Published on LinkedIn on 04 March, 2017 by me]


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